Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Option for sleep apnea treatment

Sleep apnea can be very stressful and serious disorders and it's treatment is very important. Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Despite having the success of incomplete treatment at the time of communication open and ongoing monitoring and between doctor and patient.

Here are the guides on the treatment of sleep apnea:

Lifestyle changes. It's called too behavioral therapy. Objectives are changing lifestyles have to change their habits, activities and lifestyle. As the reduction in weight can significantly reduce sleep apnea such as obesity can lead to a significant reduction of the airway. It 'also need to keep away from alcohol, sedatives and other drugs that can cause the throat muscles relax, and can cause sleepiness.Keeping tobacco are important. In addition, it is useful to people who have sleep apnea to sleep on the side instead of back. Sleep on your back can relax in the tongue and palate, and more ways to prevent the air. To keep the nasal passages open, you can use saline nasal sprays.

Operations. The goal of surgery is to preserve the way of the air and wide open, allowing circulation of air. Surgery is usually performed on people with severe sleep apnea, but what kind of surgery to undergo, depends on its cause. There are interventions that removes excess tissue from the palate of the throat and soft, which blocks the airways. Others, meanwhile, will decrease the tissue in the mouth and throat.

Tonsils and adenoids are enlarged, which led to some surgeries. Other surgical procedures include the reform of the lower jaw. Surgeries provide lasting results and even permanent, but can sometimes be dangerous, so before deciding on any surgery, it is best to consider other treatment options.

Device. Treatment of sleep apnea severity used in a wide range of respiratory and oral appliances. For the cases of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and the mouthpiece. CPAP is a mask similar device connected to a machine that has been proposed for people with sleep apnea with moderate to severe. CPAP is worn over the nose during sleep, and brings with compressed air to prevent the airways from narrowing.

Conversely, the mouthpiece is specially made by a dentist or orthodontist. This is a custom fit dental device that looks like the common sports mouth guard. It has a function to prevent sleep apnea by modifying the lower jaw and tongue, which keeps the airway open. Other equipment which has the same function that is bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) and Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV).

The success of treatment for sleep apnea is strictly determined by the person's commitment, as one of the above can be very challenging to maintain. For example, changing the way we live. Probably, it is difficult for some people to reduce weight or to stay away from alcohol.

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