Friday, July 29, 2011

CPAP as sleep apnea treatment

Sleep apnea literally means "sleep without breath" and can result from respiratory muscle weakness (known as central sleep apnea) or a blockage of the trachea, or airway (known as obstructive sleep apnea.) Obstructive sleep apnea is much more common than central sleep apnea and can be caused by a variety of factors including obesity, congestion in the throat, tonsillitis or mononucleosis.

First, you will be asked for your medical history as well as those of your family members. This is because it seems to run in families, thus, this information is valuable towards making a final diagnosis and determination of the appropriate treatment. Toronto doctors will ask exhaustive questions so it is better to come prepared with basic family medical histories.

There are many people that suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This can make not only their life hard, but it can infringe on the lives of those around the sufferer. Sleep apnea treatments come in many ways. They can be done through self help. The simple act of not taking the sedatives or not drinking the alcohol can, in fact give you a better nights rest. Any substance that may lead to overly relaxed muscles, especially of the neck, jaw and tongue, can cause one to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. 

Many devices have had no medical studies conducted at all and you should stay away from these or you may be taking a chance as to whether they will be a successful form of treatment for you or not. Remember, client feedback and comments are NOT accepted as proven medical test/study results so be sure to ask for medical test evidence rather than just believing user comments and statements. 

Lifestyle and behavioral changes are a must in the treatment of sleep apnea. Mild cases of the disorder respond well to such changes as decreases in alcohol consumption, smoking and sleeping medications. Losing weight is a treatment option recommended for obese individuals. Episodes can also be reduced by using special devices that keep individuals on their side during sleep.

Once these symptoms have been detected, it is important to immediately have children undergo a polysomnography or a sleep test. The sleep test is the most effective tool used to properly determine and diagnose any sleeping disorder that the child might have. 

One of the most simple sleep apnea treatment is to used CPAP is the use of positional therapy as a non-invasive treatment. This is simply the act of changing the sleeping position of the sufferer to provide relief. There are a number of products that can help, from foam wedges, to special pillows and shirts that adjust the position that the sufferer can sleep in.

The medically necessary and accepted treatment for clinically significant OSA is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). CPAP is the only treatment for OSA in adults. Unless the patient is intolerant of CPAP which means the patient went through at least a three-month CPAP trial supervised by a sleep medicine specialist.

Sleep specialists use CPAP - and CPAP mask in Toronto or elsewhere - to provide constant air pressure. This keeps the collapse-dilation mechanism of the different sets of throat muscles working. In simpler terms, this sleep apnea treatment procedure prevents your throat muscles from blocking the airway.

According to statistics, there are more than 1.4 million Canadians who suffer from sleep apnea. If you are one of them, you will experience physically debilitating symptoms like excessive daytime sleepiness that can result in driving and work accidents, intermittent headaches morning till night, painful heartburn, leg swelling, chest pains when asleep, and most disturbing to your bed mate.

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by breathing difficulty during sleep. This happens when the brain mixes up the signals to the muscles that facilitate breathing or when the airway at the back of your throat gets blocked. Symptoms of sleep apnea include snoring, feeling tired and sleepy during the day, and waking up with a headache.

Getting new sleep apnea treatment

Getting new sleep apnea treatment does not mean that you have to wear a sleep mask such as the CPAP and be uncomfortable during the night. Nor does sleep apnea mean that you have to go to countless sleep studies and invade your schedule for this problem. Many people suffer from sleep apnea as it is a very common condition that has a number of different causes. You do want to get sleep apnea treatment, however, because you are not breathing properly when you are asleep you tend to wake up to get your breath during the night. 

Sleep apnea causes excessive snoring no matter how the person who suffers from this condition is sleeping. While most people will snore if they are lying on their backs, those who are suffering from sleep apnea will snore all of the time, regardless of the position that they are in when they are sleeping. For this reason, they need to seek out a new sleep apnea treatment that really works. 

The sleep apnea new treatment that is usually prescribed by doctors is initiative as it causes the person to wear a mask that is uncomfortable and prohibits movement when they are sleeping. This can also be disruptive to the person with whom the person who is undergoing sleep apnea treatment is sleeping with as well. For this reason, most people who have sleep apnea do not want to undergo this type of sleep apnea treatment that also involves having sleep patterns monitored at a sleep clinic.  

It is best to get new sleep apnea treatment that is not only affordable but also comfortable and works well with the body. Those who are looking for sleep apnea treatment do not have to confine themselves to what they get from the doctor nor do they have to spend the money that is involved in trying to treat sleep apnea with sleep studies and the encumber some CPAP mask that most people do not like to use for sleep apnea treatment. There are other treatment options out there that are comfortable to wear and work just as well to allow someone to breathe properly when they are sleeping. 

Those who have sleep apnea should not ignore the condition nor should they ask their partner to sleep in another room or wear ear plugs. Even those who sleep alone should take a look at a way that they can breathe properly during the night when they are sleeping so that they feel rested in the morning when they awaken. 

Regardless of the sleeping situation for any individual, sleep apnea is something that should be addressed with proper sleep apnea new treatment. This can come by way of a device that can be used for breathing properly during sleep and is comfortable to wear. Instead of spending a lot of money on a machine to monitor sleep or going to sleep studies which also cost a great deal of money, those who suffer from the condition of sleep apnea that is marked by excessive snoring can get the proper sleep apnea treatment that they need with devices that actually work well and are available without having to go to a doctor for the condition. Of course what we want to get from all of this things is to get a healthy life.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sleep apnea treatment options

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you may notice that you are often tired and groggy throughout the day. Sleep apnea affects typical sleep patterns, as it is a sleep disorder that occurs when normal breathing stops during sleep and causes you to wake up repeatedly during the night. Many people with sleep apnea are not aware that they are constantly awoken, yet they experience the tiring consequences during waking hours.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common type of the disorder that involves the muscles relaxing during sleep, blocking the airways and disrupting the flow of oxygen to the lungs. Treatment options range from sleeping devices that help keep the airways clear to simple lifestyle changes and home remedies.

A common and preferred method for treating sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which involves wearing a mask that delivers air pressure through a machine to help keep airway passages open. The CPAP device should be worn every time you go to sleep, even if you are just lying down for a short nap. Although a CPAP device cannot cure obstructive sleep apnea, and it may take some time to get used to wearing, it can very effective in treating sleeping problems caused by sleep apnea.

For mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, a dental device can also help clear the airways and allow for proper breathing while you sleep. Dental devices include a tongue retaining device, which can help treat sleep apnea if your tongue obstructs air from getting through properly. The tongue is held in place with a splint or suction bulb, allowing for air to pass through. Another type of dental device is a mandibular advancement device (MAD), which looks like a mouth guard and keeps the lower jaw in a forward position in order to keep the tongue from blocking airways. Speak with your dentist about dental devices if you suffer from sleep apnea.

There are many cases in which certain lifestyle changes and home remedies can be effective methods of treating sleep apnea. Being overweight, for example, can lead to additional fat around the neck that narrows the airways, making it harder air to get through when you sleep. Losing weight can help you widen the airways and sleep better at night. Drinking alcohol or taking certain medications can relax muscles even more, so reducing your consumption of these substances can also be effective in treating sleep apnea. You can also try sleeping on your side or stomach when you sleep, instead of your back, and keep your nasal passages clear with saline nasal spray before bed.

Because surgery can often be ineffective or even worsen the condition, it is usually only recommended in severe cases of sleep apnea in which no other treatment has worked. Types of surgery that treat sleep apnea include removing the uvula or adjusting the position of the jaw.