Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Two easy ways to treat sleep apnea

Having sleep apnea may cause sleeplessness, memory problems, severe headaches, and fatigue throughout the day, awareness difficulties, anxiousness, negative mood, and problems during work due to bad concentration. Sleep apnea may also be able to lead to a greater possibility of getting an automobile accident or an accident at work. The truth is, apnea sufferers have a 3 times greater possibility of having an accident, brought on by sleepiness.

If sleep apnea remains without treatment, it can cause other health issues, for example cardiovascular failure, hypertension, diabetic issues, liver damage, kidney failure, heart problems, strokes, as well as death. Central sleep apnea could possibly be brought on by medication, strokes, heart failure, as well as high altitude. Obstructive sleep apnea may be brought on by narrow airway passages, nasal congestion, vocal cord injury, enlarged tonsils, upper respiratory infections, obesity and extra weight, treatment, utilization of alcoholic beverages, and smoking.

An easy thing to increase your sleep is attempting to sleep in your, rather than lying on your back. Also, try not to eat far too late, particularly prior to going to sleep. Don't consume a lot of alcohol, because alcohol will relax the muscles inside your throat more than ever before. For a similar reason don't use drugs before bedtime. Do not smoke because smoking reduces oxygen levels inside your blood stream and strains your heart, and definitely will give rise to sleep apnea.

In case you are obese, you need to lose fat simply because it has proved to be essential in treating apnea. The fact is, your excess fat can be the cause of your sleep apnea. Reducing weight and quit smoking are the 2 most significant steps you can take to avoid sleep apnea. Physical exercises will get a lean body but should be avoided late in the evening. Raising bedroom a bit more incline can assist you to maintain your airways open. Studies have confirmed that individuals with sleep apnea have worse symptoms every time they sleep flat with their back.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Effective ways for sleep apnea treatment

Because sleep apnea can be very stressful and serious disorder its treatment is important. There are two goals in the treatment of sleep apnea. The first is to reduce symptoms and the second is to stabilize breathing patterns. Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Here some of option for sleep apnea treatment you can try.

Lifestyle changes. It's called behavioral therapy too. The goals of changing lifestyle are to change habits, activities, and way of life. Such as, reducing weight can considerably lessen sleep apnea as overweight can significantly cause the narrowing of the airway. It's also necessary to keep away from alcohol, sedatives, and other medicines that can cause throat muscles relax and may cause sleepiness. Keeping away from tobacco is important too. 

In addition, It's helpful for people with sleep apnea to sleep on the back rather than on the side. Sleeping on the back can relax the tongue and palate more and thus block the air ways. For keeping the nasal passages open, it's recommended using saline nasal sprays. 

Surgeries. The goal of surgical operation is to maintain the air way wide and open, thus let the free air flowing. Surgical operation is usually performed on those with serious sleep apnea, But what kind of surgery to undergo is depend on its cause. There are surgeries that remove excess tissues from the throat and soft palate that block the airway. Others, meanwhile, shrink tissues in the mouth and throat.

Device. Treatment for sleep apnea with diverse severities use breathing and oral devices. For instances, continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) and mouthpiece. CPAP is a mask like device connected to a machine that is suggested for people with moderate and severe apnea. CPAP is worn over the nose while sleeping and brings pressurized air to avoid the airway from narrowing. 

Successful treatment of sleep apnea is probably determined by the commitment of the person as the treatments mentioned above can be quite difficult to maintain. For example, changing lifestyle. Probably it will be difficult for some people to reduce weight or stay away from alcohol. In the end, it is still about healthy living. It is about taking steps toward eliminating the dangers of sleep apnea.